
The exercises I post below are free.

Coming soon to this space: Retreat materials (for a small fee)

Spiritual Formation Exercises encourage space for the Holy Spirit to move and speak. These exercises and retreats aim to lead you into silence, stillness and solitude with God for the sake of knowing him, for transformation into the likeness of Jesus Christ our Saviour, and for the sake of the world.

Below is an interview with Jodi Kozan with a short teaching on the topic of “Lament”. I share a number of ways in which I have learned to practice the spiritual discipline of lament, one of these includes a practice called “Overwriting” (see sample below).

Resource Testimonials:

I heard  a good sermon on John 16:33 on Good Friday which started me on the way to admit my fears. In German, John 16:33 says "In this world you have fears. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” The preacher reminded us how Jesus experienced fear in Gethsemane and encouraged us to write down our fears and then bring them to God. That was helpful to me because I do suppress fears.

So I opened the "Learning to Lament" exercise you had sent earlier. I have written my first psalm of lament and it has freed me tremendously. I was able to experience joy on my sister's birthday. 

Bringing my fears to the Lord through lament is such a relief and frees me up to experience joy again.